Canon PowerShot V10 was launched in India on Thursday. It is a compact camera with an emphasis on video recording capabilities and is designed for smartphone users. The camera comes with a retractable and tiltable stand that can be affixed to the body. The camera also includes an in-built microphone that minimises noise and records clean sound, which is useful for creating ASMR videos.
Canon PowerShot V10 price in India, availability
The compact camera, claimed to be a "content creation powerhouse", is available in a black and silver colour option. It is priced in India at Rs. 39,995. The device will be on sale starting in June.
Canon PowerShot V10 specifications, features
The camera is marketed as a useful tool for vloggers and content creators. The Canon PowerShot V10 sports a DIGIC X image processor and is equipped with a 1-inch CMOS 13.1-megapixel sensor. It also has face tracking feature and a specified frame auto-focus. The camera arrives with a 19mm lens.
For still images, the Canon PowerShot V10 has an effective ISO range of 125 - 12800. On the other hand, for videos, the effective ISO ranges from 125 - 6400, with a maximum ISO of 3200 for 4K quality video recordings.
The camera comes with a maximum shutter speed of 1/2000 for still images and a maximum shutter speed of 1/4000 for video recordings. 4K UHD (3840 x 2160 pixels) is the maximum video recording quality supported by the camera. It also supports Full HD (1920 x 1080 pixels) video quality. Up to 1 hour of recording time is supported on the device.
The Canon PowerShot V10 features a singular microSD card slot, one HDMI micro (Type D) and a 3.5mm stereo mini jack. The camera is powered by an inbuilt rechargeable lithium-ion battery alongside a USB Power Adapter PD-E1 or adapter with an output capacity of 5 V/1.5 A or more.
The camera also supports WiFi and Bluetooth Low Energy Technology. It allows direct live streaming to YouTube and Facebook. Weighing a mere 211 grams, the camera measures about 63.4mm x 90.0mm x 34.3mm in size.
from Gadgets 360